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Install shout wasm and transcriber packages

npm install --save @transcribe/transcriber

copy the shout.wasm and webworker files to your project directory

# copy shout wasm
cp node_modules/@transcribe/shout/src/shout/shout.wasm.worker.mjs /your/project
cp node_modules/@transcribe/shout/src/shout/shout.wasm.js /your/project

# only needed if you want to use StreamTranscriber
cp -r node_modules/@transcribe/transcriber/src/audio-worklets /your/project

Manual Installation

You can use Transcribe.js without a bundler or package manager. Download the files from the repository, copy the src/* directorie to your webserver and include the following into your HTML. Make sure to set the correct paths in the import map.

<!-- set paths to js files -->
<script type="importmap">
    "imports": {
      "@transcribe/shout": "/src/shout/shout.wasm.js",
      "@transcribe/transcriber": "/src/index.js"

<!-- use type="module" for es6 imports -->
<script type="module">
  import createModule from "@transcribe/shout";
  import { FileTranscriber } from "@transcribe/transcriber";

  const transcriber = new FileTranscriber({
    model: "/path/to/ggml-tiny-q5_1.bin",