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Check out the Example.

import createModule from "@transcribe/shout"; // if you use import map or bundler like vite
// import createModule from "/your/project/shout.wasm.js"; // you can also exclude @transcibe/shout from your bundler and import them manually
import { FileTranscriber } from "@transcribe/transcriber";

// create new instance
const transcriber = new FileTranscriber({
  createModule, // create module function from emscripten build
  model: "/your/project/ggml-tiny-q5_1.bin", // path to ggml model file
  // workerPath: "/your/project", // only set if you don't use a bundler; directory of shout.wasm.worker.mjs copied before

// init wasm transcriber worker
await transcriber.init();

// transcribe audio/video file
const result = await transcriber.transcribe("/your/project/my.mp3");


The result is an JSON object containg the text segements and timestamps.

  "result": {
    "language": "en"
  "transcription": [
      "timestamps": {
        "from": "00:00:00,000",
        "to": "00:00:11,000"
      "offsets": {
        "from": 0,
        "to": 11000
      "text": " And so my fellow Americans ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.",
      "tokens": [
          "text": " And",
          "timestamps": {
            "from": "00:00:00,320",
            "to": "00:00:00,350"
          "offsets": {
            "from": 320,
            "to": 350
          "id": 400,
          "p": 0.726615 // propability, aka. how likely the estimate is true, 0..1, 1 is best
        // ... one token per word